B.9 Silently Installing the Deployment Web Service

To silently install the Deployment Web Service using the required parameters and default settings, run the following command from the folder where you saved the Control Center setup program:

"NetIQCCSetup.exe" /s /v"INSTALLDIR=\"C:\Program Files\NetIQ\" CC_AD_WEBSERVICE=1 RP_CLEARTEXTPASSWORD=1 CHECKIN_AD_PACKAGES_NOW=1 ADW_WINDOMAIN="Domain_for_the_Windows_User_Account_the_Deployment_Web_Service_
Will_Use" ADW_WINUSER="User_Name_for_the_Windows_User_Account_the_Deployment_Web_Service_
Will_Use" ADW_WINPWD="Password_for_the_Windows_User_Account_the_Deployment_Web_Service_
Will_Use" ADW_DBSERVER="Name_of_the_SQL_Server_and_Instance_that_Will_Host_the_CCDB_to_which_the_Deployment_Web_Service_Will_Connect" CCDB_REPOSITORYNAME="Name_of_the_CCDB_to_which_the_Deployment_Web_Service_

To specify additional parameters or alternate settings, add the appropriate parameters to the command. The following table describes all parameters available for silently installing the Deployment Web Service.




Target installation folder

The default value is C:\Program Files\NetIQ\.


Installs the Deployment Web Service

Specify 1 to install the Deployment Web Service.


Indicates the silent installation command will submit passwords to the Windows Installer package in clear text format

Specify 1 to use clear text format for passwords.

This parameter is required for successful installation. If you do not include this parameter, the Windows Installer package will attempt to decrypt passwords and you will receive the following error message:

Failed to decrypt the input data with FIPS compliant algorithms.


Whether to check in agent and module packages and a set of default rules for use in remote deployment

Specify 1 to check in packages and rules during Deployment Web Service installation.

Specify 0 to check in packages and rules later.

For more information about package and deployment rule check-in, see Installing Control Center and Deployment Services.


Domain for the Windows user account the Deployment Web Service will use to connect to the CCDB

For more information about the account, see Reviewing Required Accounts and Permissions.


User name for the Windows user account the Deployment Web Service will use to connect to the CCDB


Password for the Windows user account the Deployment Web Service will use to connect to the CCDB


Name of the SQL Server and, if applicable, instance that will host the CCDB to which the Deployment Web Service will connect

To specify a SQL Server instance, use the format Server_Name\instance.

Only connect one Deployment Web Service to a CCDB.


Name of the CCDB to which the Deployment Web Service will connect

/L* "Full_Path_to_Installation_Log_File"

Creates a log file that describes the operations of the setup program

For more information about parameters that specify the information included in the installation log file, see Specifying Control Center Installation Log File Options.

For more information about installing the Deployment Web Service, see Section 7.0, Installing Control Center Components.