5.5 Assign Users to a Site

Users must be assigned to a private site in order to gain access to it. After assigned, the user accesses the site via the site’s URL. Users who do not have personal pages go directly to the site pages on login.

Open sites allow users to join and leave at any time without approval from an administrator. Restricted sites force users to request membership which is approved by an administer. Private sites only receive new members who are assigned by an administrator either individually or by association.

Site administrators can assign users to sites in two ways:

  • Directly: Assign users directly to a site by assigning their user account to the site.

  • Indirectly: Assign users indirectly by first assigning them to entities, such as groups, organizations, or locations, then assign these entities to a site. Users who belong to a group, organization, or location that is assigned to a site are also assigned to the site.

All site members, regardless of whether they were assigned directly or indirectly, have access to the same functionalities.

For more information about setting default sites for users, see Section 4.4.1, Default Associations for User Accounts.

HINT:If the list of available users, user groups, organizations, or locations is long, use the Search function to locate specific entities.

5.5.1 Assign Users Directly to a Site

To assign users directly to a site:

  1. Navigate to the desired site.

  2. Click Users and then click Site Memberships.

    The Site Memberships page displays the users currently assigned to the site.

  3. Click Add Members and select User to view a list of users that are available for assigning to the site.

  4. Select the check box next to the user names to add to the site, and then click Save.

5.5.2 Assign Groups, Organizations, or Locations to a Site

To assign groups, organizations, or locations to a site:

  1. Navigate to the desired site.

  2. Click Users and then click Site Memberships.

  3. Click Add Members and select User Groups or Organizations to view a list of groups or organizations that are available for assigning to the site.

  4. Select the check box next to the entities to assign to the site, and then click Save.

5.5.3 Remove Users

Site administrators can remove users from any site. If a user is a member of the site through membership in a group, organization, or location that is assigned to the site, you need to do one of two things:

Removing Users Directly Assigned to a Site

  1. Navigate to the desired site.

  2. Click Users and then click Site Memberships.

  3. Click Add Members and select User.

  4. Deselect the users to remove from the site, and then click Save.

Removing A Group, Organization, or Locations Assigned to a Site

  1. Navigate to the desired site.

  2. Click Users and then click Site Memberships.

  3. Click Add Members and select User Group or Organization.

  4. Deselect the groups or organizations to remove from the site, and then click Save.