12.4 Using the NetIQ Diagnostics Utility

NetIQ Diagnostics is a utility found in the bin folder for your AppManager installation (for example, in a default location such as C:\Program Files\NetIQ\AppManager\bin). NetIQ Diagnostics is used to collect information from the agent computer log files and from the registry. Although the information may help you to troubleshoot your environment on your own, typically this information is sent directly to NetIQ Corporation Solutions Support to help them analyze and diagnose problems in your deployment of AppManager components.

12.4.1 Starting the NetIQ Diagnostics Utility

The NetIQ Diagnostics utility must be run locally on the computer you are attempting to diagnose.

To run the NetIQ Diagnostics utility:

  1. Double-click the NetIQDiag.exe program in the NetIQ\AppManager\bin folder.

  2. In the first page of the Diagnostics wizard:

    • Verify that Set maximum trace level is selected.

    • Check both AppManager Agent and AppManager Management Server unless instructed otherwise by NetIQ Technical Support.

    • Click Set to set the tracing levels for the agent and management server to the maximum level, then click Next.

  3. Check the specific components you want to diagnose from the AppManager Component Options list.

  4. Click Diagnose. The NetIQ Corporation Diagnostics utility begins collecting information about your environment. When the diagnosis is complete, click Next.

  5. If diagnosing an Analysis Center report repository, type a SQL Server login account and password for a SQL Server account with permissions associated with the System Administrators role, and, if appropriate, check Use NT Authentication.

  6. If diagnosing an AppManager repository, type a user name and password that has permission to access the AppManager database, if appropriate, check Use NT Authentication, then click Next.

  7. Check any external sources of information you want included with the diagnostic package, then click Next. For example, if you are seeing unusual Windows events or Dr. Watson errors, you may want to include those log files.

  8. Click Next to bypass the AppAnalyzer and XMP diagnostic pages.

  9. Click compress to collect all of the log files and other information into a CAB file in the NetIQ\diagnostics directory, for example, C:\Program Files\NetIQ\diagnostics.

    The name of the diagnostic file is:

    computer name_MM.DD.YY_HH.MM.SS_diag.cab 

    For example: Detroit_08.16.02_15.09.20_diag.cab

12.4.2 Viewing NetIQ Diagnostics Output

All log files that NetIQ Diagnostics generates are collected in a compressed CAB file each time you run the Diagnostics utility. To view any of the log files, you first need to extract them from the compressed file. You can then view the information from the text‑based logs in any text editor.