11.3 Running AppManager Command-line Scripts

To run AppManager command-line scripts, you must log on to the AppManager repository with a SQL Server login account that has permission to access AppManager.

Open a command prompt, and type the path to netiqcmd.exe, followed by the command-line script filename and one or more required and optional parameters. For example:

c:\Program Files\NetIQ\AppManager\bin\netiqcmd.exe startjob.vbs /jobid=19

Include the path to netiqcmd.exe if you plan to run the script (or a batch file with a script command-line statement) from a scheduling program, such as the Task Scheduler. It is not necessary to include the path to the command-line script file.

NOTE:The required and optional parameters required vary depending on the purpose of the script. All scripts require information for logging on to the QDB. You can specify the logon information at the command-line or by creating a default logon profile in a text file.

If you have Windows Scripting Host (WSH) installed in your environment, you can also run scripts using WSH instead of using netiqcmd.exe. The syntax for running scripts with Windows Scripting Host is similar. For example:

cscript deleteevents.vbs /eventid=5