11.22.2 Twilio

To configure SMS sender settings for Twilio service, perform the following steps:

  1. Select Twilio in Sender service.

  2. Specify the following details:

    • Account sid and Authentication token: In Twilio, the Account SID acts as a username and the Authentication Token acts as a password.

      NOTE:After you save the configuration, Authentication token is not displayed even in the masked form.

      NOTE:If the Authentication token is not visible then the configuration has been saved. Specify the Authentication token again before sending a test message as the Test button reads the message from the UI. The real messaging service reads the message from the Advanced Authentication database.

    • Use Copilot: The copilot option is used to send SMS from a Twilio’s phone number of your location. This is helpful when SMS messages have to be sent across the geographical locations. For example, with copilot, SMS will be sent from Indian phone number to the Indian users. Without copilot, SMS will be sent from US phone number to the Indian users.

      For more information on Copilot option and its features, see https://www.twilio.com/copilot#phone-number-intelligence and https://www.twilio.com/docs/api/rest/sending-messages-copilot#features.

      • Messaging Service SID: Service SID.

    • Sender phone: This is the from phone number received from Twilio. Specify the Twilio phone number that you own and prefix the country code and backslash (\).

      For example, 91\9191919191

  3. (Optional) To configure the Subaccounts, perform the following:

    NOTE:Twilio account supports multiple subaccounts that helps to segregate the usage based on geographic location, phone numbers, customers, or any other category. Subaccounts are associated with main Twilio account and share the balance. However, each subaccount has unique Account SID and Auth Token to determine the usage.

    For more information, see Twilio Subaccounts.

    1. Click Add.

    2. Specify the following details:

      • Country Dialing Code Filter: This code helps to determine which subaccount needs to used to send an SMS OTP message to a user.

        For example, the administrator can configure a subaccount that delivers SMS OTP messages to all users in India using the code +91 as the Country Dialing Code Filter. So that Advanced Authentication server automatically uses a specify subaccount to send all messages to users requesting from India.

      • Subaccount SID: 34 digits unique String Identifier (SID) of the subaccount to recognize the resource.

      • Subaccount Auth Token: Authentication Token to verify the user’s identity and indicates the level of access.

      • Sender Phone: From phone number that is displayed on recipients phone.

    3. Click Save icon .