Configuring Facial Recognition Method

To configure the Facial Recognition method, perform the following steps:

  1. Click Methods > Facial Recognition on the Advanced Authentication Administration Portal.

  2. Check Azure Cognitive Service is set as API Provider.

  3. Specify Endpoint URL. This URL is location based.

    NOTE:The Endpoint URL must contain face/v1.0 at the end.

    For example:

  4. Specify Access Key that you have generated in the Microsoft Cognitive Services. This key is used while authenticating the user.

    For information about how to generate the Access Key in the Microsoft Cognitive Services, see Generating Access Key and Endpoint URL.

NOTE:Check the following points before implementing Facial Recognition method with Azure Cognitive service:

  • For a better quality of recognition, you must use cameras with a high definition of 720p and above.

  • During enrollment, the captured images are placed on Microsoft servers and Microsoft Cognitive Services return only the Face ID to Advanced Authentication. The Advanced Authentication stores this Face ID as enrolled authenticator. Therefore, when you change the Access Key, the related enrollments are lost.

  • This method does not support caching on Windows Client, Mac OS X Client, and Linux PAM Client.