2.17 Denmark National ID

The Denmark National ID method is for the citizens of Denmark. The Denmark National ID enables you to authenticate using Danish CPR number, password, and a pin from the code card provided during Denmark National ID enrollment.

NOTE:If the Social Security number is not registered in the repository for a user profile, then the Danish National ID method is not enrolled automatically. However, you can manually enroll the Danish National ID method from the Add Authenticator section.

2.17.1 Enrolling the Denmark National ID

If the Social Security number is registered in the corporate directory for your user profile, then the Danish National ID method is enrolled automatically. If the Social Security number is not registered in the corporate directory, perform the following steps to enroll Danish National ID.

  1. Click the Denmark National ID icon in Add Authenticator.

  2. (Optional) Specify a comment related to the authenticator in Comment.

  3. Specify the Social Security number.

  4. Click Save.

    If the enrollment is successful, a message Authenticator "Denmark National ID" added is displayed.

2.17.2 Testing the Denmark National ID

  1. Click the Denmark National ID icon in Enrolled Authenticators.

  2. Click Test.

    The NEM ID pop-up is displayed.

  3. Specify the Danish CPR number in User ID.

  4. Specify Password.

  5. Click Next.

  6. Specify the pin corresponding to the serial number displayed in #.

    NOTE:The pin is available in the code card provided during Denmark National ID enrollment.

  7. Click Log On.

    If the test is successful, a message Authenticator "Denmark National ID" passed the test is displayed.