27.18.1 Configuring ArcSight

  1. On the NFS server, open the sso-configuration.properties file, located by default in the <arcsight_nfs_vol_path>/sso/default directory.

    <arcsight_nfs_vol_path> is the nfs volume used for CDF installation.

    For example: /opt/NFS_volume/arcsight-volume. This location might vary based on the version of ArcSight.

  2. In the configuration directory, open the sso-configuration.properties file and add the following properties:

    com.microfocus.sso.default.login.method = saml2

    com.microfocus.sso.default.saml2.enabled = true

    com.microfocus.sso.default.login.saml2.mapping-attr = mail

    com.microfocus.sso.default.login.saml2.identifierFormat = emailAddress

  3. Download the SAML2 metadata from Advanced Authentication server.The URL to download the metadata:

    https://<AA Server hostname>/osp/a/<Tenant Name>/auth/saml2/metadata

  4. Convert the metadata xml file to base64 string and set the following variable:

    com.microfocus.sso.default.login.saml2.metadata = <base64 encoded metadata xml>

  5. Save the changes in the sso-configuration.properties file.

    Ensure, there are no additional spaces at the end of properties.

  6. Restart the pod to apply the new configuration.

    • Get the pod information using following command:

      kubectl get pods --all-namespaces | grep fusion-single-sign-on

    • Delete the current running pod using following command:

      kubectl delete pod fusion-single-sign-on-xxxxxxxxxx-xxxxx -n arcsight-installer-xxxxx

    New pod is initiated with new configuration.

  7. Retrieve the Fusion SSO SAML service provider metadata from the server.


    where, EXTERNAL_ACCESS_HOST is the hostname of the server.

    This metadata must be uploaded in Advanced authentication SAML2 configuration.

    For more information, see Configuring SAML Authentication in ArcSight.