5.3.2 Configure Methods

The Card method work as expected with the pre-defined value.

Perform the following steps to configure the TOTP methods:

  1. Click Methods > OATH OTP on Advanced Authentication Administration portal.

  2. Specify the following details in the TOTP section:



    OTP format

    The number of digits in the OTP token. The default value is 6 digits. The value must be the same as the tokens you are using.

    OTP period (sec)

    The value to specify how often a new OTP is generated. The default value is 30 seconds. The maximum value for the OTP period is 360 seconds

    OTP window

    The value to specify the periods used by Advanced Authentication server for TOTP generation. For example, if you have a period of 30 and a window of 4, then the token is valid for 2*30 seconds before current time and 2*30 seconds after current time, which is ±2 minutes. These configurations are used because time can be out-of-sync between the token and the server and may impact the authentication. The maximum value for the OTP window is 64 periods.

  3. Click Save.

  4. Continue with Create a Chain.