2.13.2 Restarting the Advanced Authentication Server in Kubernetes

You can restart the Advanced Authentication server in Kubernetes. Perform the following steps to restart the server in Kubernetes:

  1. Run the following command to restart the Advanced Authentication server:

    kubectl  --namesapce < AA_Namespace>  delete pod --grace-period=0 --force  <POD_NAME>

    For example,  kubectl --namespace aa-best  delete pod --grace-period=0 --force  aa-best-6320-aaf-0

    Run the following commands to get the following details:

    • Namespace: kubectl get namespace.

    • POD Name: kubectl get pods --namespace < Advanced Authentication Namespace name >.

if you are planning to restart just or enable multi-tenancy, run the following command to restart the Advanced Authentication server.

kubectl  --namespace <Advanced Authentication Namespace>  exec -it  <Advanced Authentication Pod Name >  -c aucore -- /bin/bash   -c  "/opt/superctl stop all &&  /opt/superctl start all"

For example, kubectl  --namespace aa-best  exec -it  aa-best-6320-aaf-0  -c aucore -- /bin/bash   -c  "/opt/superctl stop all &&  /opt/superctl start all"