13.7.1 Customizing Messages in the Custom Localization File

To customize preferred messages using the Custom localization file, perform the following steps:

  1. Click Custom Messages.

  2. Perform one of the following action to download the custom localization file on your local drive:

    • Click Download original to save the custom_messages.tar.gz file that contains the default messages.

    • If you have customized the messages, click Download current messages to save the current_custom_messages.tar.gz file that contains the latest messages.

  3. Extract the files from the custom_messages.tar.gz file.

  4. Navigate to the preferred language folder.

    To customize English messages, use the custom_messages.pot file and for other languages use the custom_messages.po file.

  5. Open the custom_messages.pot file in the text format.

  6. Specify the message in the msgstr "".

  7. Save the changes.

  8. Compress the custom_messages folder to .tar.gz or .zip format.

  9. Click Browse and select the compressed custom_messages file from the local drive.

  10. Click Upload.