13.7.3 Customizing Authentication Request Message For Smartphone Method

You can customize the authentication request message that is displayed on the NetIQ Auth app when user initiates Smartphone authentication. The authentication can be either to the endpoint or to the Advanced Authentication portals.

To customize the message for smartphone method, perform the following steps:

  1. Click Custom Messages.

  2. Search for one of the following keys:

    • method.smartphone.authentication_hint to edit the request message specific to endpoint authentication.

    • method.smartphone.authentication_hint_no_endpoint to edit the request message for any authentication that does not use endpoint such as Advanced Authentication portals login.

  3. Click for the preferred key.

  4. Specify any of the following parameters in the preferred language message as per your requirement:

    • {user} to fetch the user name.

    • {client_ip} to fetch the client IP address.

    • {event} to fetch the event name.

    • {tenant} to fetch the tenant name.

    • {endpoint} to fetch the endpoint name.

  5. Click Save.

NOTE:The customized authentication request message will reflect on the NetIQ smartphone app after an approximate delay of one hour.

For example, to customize the endpoint specific authentication message for the smartphone method you must search the key method.smartphone.authentication_hint and specify the message {user} requested for authentication request from the client {client_ip} for the {event} to access the {endpoint} in the field corresponding to English language. When the user tries to authenticate to Windows Client using the smartphone method then the customized message is displayed on the NetIQ smartphone app as:

Bob requested for authentication request from the client for the Windows logon to access the Windows-machine-589.