5.2.5 Configure SMS Sender Policy

In Advanced Authentication, add Twilio details of Reltic Data, Inc. as a service provider that sends SMS OTP to the end users during authentication.

Perform the following steps to configure the details of Twilio in Advanced Authentication:

  1. Click Policies > SMS Sender in the Advanced Authentication Administration portal.

  2. Select Twilio in Sender service.

  3. Specify the masked value that you want to display for the SMS in Recipient Mask.

    The SMS OTP of the users is masked when users authenticate with the SMS OTP method.

    NOTE:The Recipient Mask value is predefined and if you do not change the value, the default value is considered for masking of the SMS OTP.

  4. Specify the following details:

    • Account sid and Authentication token: In Twilio, the Account SID acts as a username and the Authentication Token acts as a password.

    • Sender phone: Sender’s phone number.

  5. You can test the configurations for the SMS sender policy in the Test section.

    1. Specify the phone number in Phone to which you want to send the SMS OTP.

    2. Specify a message to be sent to the phone in Message.

    3. Click Send test message!.

  6. Click Save.

  7. Continue with Assign Chain to Windows Logon Event.