2.4 Configuring the Advanced Authentication Server

Before configuring the IIS Authentication plug-in, you must create an OAuth 2.0 event to enable the multi-factor authentication for the websites that are hosted on the Microsoft IIS server.

To obtain the Client ID and Client secret to configure the IIS Authentication plug-in, perform the following steps:

  1. Log in to the Advanced Authentication Administration portal.

  2. Create a chain with the preferred authentication methods.

  3. Create an OAuth 2.0 event and assign the preferred chain from the Available list to the event.

    Make a note of the Client ID and Client secret for further use.

  4. Specify any one URL in the Redirect URIs. One URI per line.

    • For Remote Desktop Web (RDWeb), specify https://<rdwebaccess>/rdweb

    • For Outlook Web Access (OWA), specify https://<outlookwebaccess>/owa

      NOTE:The Redirect URIs. One URI per line is case insensitive. Therefore, URL can have mixed case and ensure the URL match the exact case.

      NOTE:You must specify single URL in Redirect URIs. One URI per line for integrating with IIS Authentication plug-in. If you have provided more than one URL, an error message No client redirect URI was supplied in the request is displayed when users try to authenticate to the URL using the plug-in.

  5. Click Save.