9.1 Configuring an Endpoint

  1. In the Endpoints section of the Helpdesk administration portal, click Edit against the endpoint you want to edit.

    You can rename the endpoint, change its description, or endpoint type.

  2. Set Is enabled to ON to enable the endpoint.

  3. Set Is trusted to ON if the endpoint is trusted.

    In some integrations such as Migration Tool, Password Filter, NAM, and NCA, you must enable the Is trusted option for their endpoints.

  4. Specify an Endpoint Owner if you have configured a specific chain to be used by the Endpoint owner only. For more information, see

    This is a user account that must be able to use a different chain than the other users for authentication.

    The Endpoint Owner feature is supported for Windows Client, Mac OS Client, and Linux PAM Client only.


  • Additional information such as Operating System, Software version, Last session time, and Device information is displayed in the Endpoints page. Also in Advanced properties, RAM information is displayed.

  • Advanced Authentication Windows Client 5.6 or later versions, Advanced Authentication Linux PAM Client 6.0 or later versions, Advanced Authentication Mac OS X Client 6.0 or later versions must be installed on the endpoint.