2.0 Offline Support for Windows Client

You can log in to the Advanced Authentication Windows Client in the offline mode (when the Advanced Authentication server is not available) with non-local accounts using the authentication chains. These chains can contain any combination of the following methods:

  • Bluetooth

  • Emergency Password

  • LDAP Password

  • Password

  • PKI

  • HOTP and TOTP

  • Smartphone (offline mode)

  • Card

  • FIDO U2F

  • FIDO2

  • Fingerprint

  • Windows Hello

As a prerequisite for using the offline mode, you must log in to the Advanced Authentication Windows Client in the online mode, using all the chains available to cache each method.

HINT:To log in with a Microsoft account, you must specify the <WorkstationName>\<MicrosoftAccount> in user name.

For example, win81x64\pjones@live.com.

NOTE:You cannot use the command Run as administrator with a domain account on a non-domain workstation.