28.11 WebAuth Logs

These logs contain information about the SAML 2.0 and OAuth 2.0 integrations.

When you enable Debug logging, logs in the FINEST mode are generated and when you disable Debug logging, logs in the FINER mode are generated.

On the server, the osp-aa.* file is stored in the /var/lib/docker/volumes/aaf_webauth-logs/_data/ directory.

After you export the WebAuth logs, you can find the osp-aa.* in the /opt/osp/tomcat/logs directory.

NOTE:The FINEST mode resets to FINER mode after a change in SAML 2.0 events, OAuth 2.0 events or Web Authentication policy. This mode reset is not shown on UI. Disable the Debug logging and then enable it to reset logging to the FINEST mode again.