This section contains details about how to upgrade Advanced Authentication on public cloud - Amazon Web Services and Azure using Kubernetes. You can upgrade Advanced Authentication containers into Kubernetes clusters by using the Helm charts.
Download the aaf-<version> file from NetIQ Downloads.
Unpack the zip file. You can view the aaf-<version>.tgz tar file.
Run the following command to unpack the tar file:
tar zxvf aaf-<version>.tgz
Run the following command to upgrade the helm chart:
helm upgrade <name_of_kubernetes_namespace> --namespace <helm_chart_release_name> <path_of_helm_chart>
For example, helm upgrade aaf-test1 --namespace aaf-test --set lb.enabled=true ./aaf_63sp3/
NOTE:After upgrade, perform the following to monitor events, logs, and persistent volume claims of your namespace:
Run the following command to view latest events:
kubectl get events --namespace <name_of_kubernetes_namespace>
Run the following command to get the logs of Advanced Authentication containers:
kubectl logs $(kubectl get pods --no-headers -o custom-columns="" --namespace <name_of_kubernetes_namespace>) -c aucore --namespace <name_of_kubernetes_namespace>
Run the following command to check persistent volume claims:
kubectl get pvc --namespace <name_of_kubernetes_namespace>