3.0 Getting the Latest Online and Offline Updates

WARNING:We strongly recommend upgrading the appliance through the Configuration Portal instead of the appliance console.

Use the Online Update option to register for the online update service from the Software Licenses and Downloads portal. You can install updates automatically or manually. For more information about the OpenSUSE online updates, see OpenSUSE patch vs update.

To activate the Update Channel, you must obtain the key from the Customer Center. If the key is not available, contact the Customer Center through an email.

WARNING:Before performing the online update, ensure to add rules in the firewall to allow https traffic to the URLs, such as docker.io, nu.novell.com and secure-www.novell.com.

For more information about configuring the firewall, see Configuring the Firewall.

NOTE:The recommended upgrade sequence is the upgrade of Advanced Authentication servers, followed by plug-ins and Client components. Any change in the upgrade sequence is not supported.

This section contains the following sections: