5.10 Adding a License

To add a license for Advanced Authentication, perform the following steps:

  1. Click Licenses.

  2. Click Add.

  3. Click Browse and select the valid license.

  4. Click Upload to upload the license.

A user license is consumed when a user enrolls at least one authenticator through an automatic enrollment, enrollment by a Helpdesk administrator, or self-enrollment. This is an exception for the LDAP password, as a license is not consumed for it. An automatic enrollment is done only when a user performs a first authentication.

After you add the license, following details of the license are displayed:

  • License ID

  • Expiry date

  • Restrictions: License type and applicable restrictions.

  • Usage: List of applicable authentication methods with the total and usage count of each method.

Your license might be limited to some specific authentication methods. Other methods will be unavailable in the Methods section.

IMPORTANT:If the multi-tenancy mode is enabled, you must add licenses for each tenant.

HINT:To free up a user's license, perform the following steps:

  1. Exclude the user from a group that is assigned to chains.

  2. Click Repositories and edit a repository.

  3. Click Full sync to perform a full synchronization of the repository.

    The existing user's authenticators are removed.