4.2 Migrating the Repository

To migrate the user authentication templates from one repository to another repository, perform the following steps:

  1. Download and extract the Advanced Authentication appliance from Netiq Downloads.

  2. Navigate to the AdvancedAuthAppliance-6.2-188\Tools\RepoMigrationTool

  3. Open the command line tool for migration.

  4. You can view the help for using the migration tool:

    aafrepomigrate.exe /help

  5. To migrate the user templates from one repository to another run the following:

    aafrepomigrate.exe /source_repo=<source_repo_name> /target_repo=<target_repo_name>

    For example, aafrepomigrate.exe /source_repo=AA1 /target_repo=FOCUS

    You will be prompted for the username and password of the full administrator or the enroll administrator.

    The user templates are migrated.

  6. To migrate users from the source repository to a target repository and delete the users at the source repository, specify the following:

    aafrepomigrate.exe /delete_source /source_repo=<source_repo_name> /target_repo=<target_repo_name> /log=c:\\final.log

    For example, aafrepomigrate.exe /delete_source /source_repo=AA1 /target_repo=FOCUS /log=c:\\final.log

  7. To clear the 1:N authentication of users from the source repository to the target repository while migrating, specify the following:

    aafrepomigrate.exe /source_repo=<source_repo_name> /target_repo=<target_repo_name> /clear_source_unit_id /delete_source /log=c:\\final.log

    For example, aafrepomigrate.exe /source_repo=AA1 /target_repo=FOCUS /clear_source_unit_id /delete_source /log=c:\\final.log

    If you do not specify clear_source_unit_id /delete_source, then the 1:N authentication of users in the source repository is not migrated to the target repository.