3.1 Installing Windows Authentication Agent

To install Windows authentication agent on Windows, perform the following steps:

NOTE:Before installing Windows authentication agent, navigate to Control Panel > All Control Panel Items > System and identify your system type.

  1. Run naaf-authagent-x86-release-<version>.msi for 32-bit operating system or naaf-authagent-x64-release-<version>.msi for 64-bit operating system.

  2. Click Next.

  3. Accept the License Agreement and click Next.

  4. Click Next to install agent on the default folder or click Change to select a preferred folder.

  5. Click Install.

  6. Click Finish.

NOTE:If Windows Client and Authentication Agent are installed on a Windows workstation, the agent applies same approach as Windows client to discover the Advanced Authentication server.

If Authentication Agent is installed on a Windows workstation without Windows Client, then agent cannot discover the Advanced Authentication server.