2.12 Configuration for Verification of Server Certificates

You can secure connection between a workstation and Advanced Authentication Servers with a valid self-signed SSL certificate, thus preventing any attacks on the connection and ensuring safe authentication.

To enable verification of the server certificates, perform the following steps:

  1. Navigate to /Library/Security/SecurityAgentPlugins/aucore_login.bundle/Contents/etc/ and open aucore_login.conf file.

    If the configuration file does not exist, create a new file.

  2. Specify verifyServerCertificate=true in the configuration file.

  3. Place the server certificate in the Keychain.

    NOTE:Ensure that the server certificate is in .p12 format.

    You must upload the SSL certificate in the Administration portal > Server Options. The SSL certificate provides high level of encryption, security, and trust. For more information about how to upload the SSL certificate, see Uploading the SSL Certificate.