1.14 TOTP

TOTP is a time-based one-time password. This method uses a predefined time step, which is equal to 30 seconds by default. It means that each 30 seconds a new one-time password will be generated.

To enroll the TOTP authenticator you should follow recommendations of your system administrator. TOTP method supports different cases of usage:

  1. Using Advanced Authentication smartphone app (Apple iOS ap, Google Android app).

  2. Using Google Authenticator app.

  3. Using OATH TOTP compliant hardware token.

  4. Using OATH TOTP compliant software token.

WARNING:Format of QR codes for the Advanced Authentication and Google Authenticator apps are different, so you need to ask your system administrator which of the apps you should use.

To enroll a TOTP authenticator click the TOTP icon.

A. Using Advanced Authentication smartphone app

In you want to enroll an authenticator using Advanced Authentication smartphone app follow the next steps:

  1. You may enter a comment in Comment field. It should be a text like my iPhone.

  2. Select the required category from the Category list.

  3. Move a cursor out of the QR code and open the Advanced Authentication smartphone app.

  4. Tap Offline authentication button in the app.

  5. Tap + button to add a new authenticator in the app.

  6. Use camera of your smartphone to scan the QR code.

  7. Click Save button.

  8. You will see a message Authenticator "TOTP" added.

  9. Enter your username and an optional comment in the smartphone app.

  10. Save the authenticator on your smartphone.

HINT:If you are not able to scan the QR code with Advanced Authentication app, try to do the following:

  1. try to scan the zoomed QR code by making a zoom of the page to 125-150%.

  2. ensure that nothing overlaps the QR code (mouse cursor, text).

  3. Try to scan it using the Google Authenticator app.

If it doesn't work, contact your system administrator.

B. Using Google Authenticator app

Follow the steps below to enroll an autheticator using the Google Authenticator app:

  1. You may enter a comment in Comment field. It should be a text like my iPhone.

  2. Select the required category from the Category list.

  3. Move a cursor out of the QR code and open the Google Authenticator app.

  4. Tap BEGIN SETUP text in the app.

  5. Tap Scan barcode button to add a new authenticator in the app.

  6. Use camera of your smartphone to scan the QR code.

  7. Click Save button.

  8. You will see a message Authenticator "TOTP" added.

HINT:You may get the Invalid barcode error. It means that probably the QR code is compatible with Advanced Authentication app.

C. Using OATH TOTP compliant hardware token

To enroll OATH TOTP compliant hardware token follow the steps below:

  1. You may enter a comment in Comment field. It should be a text like HID token.

  2. Select the required category from the Category list.

  3. Enter your token's serial number to the OATH Token Serial field. You may get the information on back side of your token.

  4. Press the token's button and enter the OTP to the OTP field.

  5. Click Save button.

  6. You will see a message Authenticator "TOTP" added.

D. Using OATH TOTP compliant software token

To enroll OATH TOTP compliant software token follow the steps below:

  1. You may enter a comment in Comment field. It should be a text like A phone app.

  2. Select the required category from the Category list.

  3. Expand the Enter TOTP secret manually.

  4. Enter 40 hexadecimal characters in Secret field.

  5. Check the Google Authenticator format of secret (Base32) option if you use the Google Authenticator app.

  6. Change the Period value if required (30 seconds by default).

  7. Click Save button.

  8. You will see a message Authenticator "TOTP" added.