1.2 Card

NOTE:You must install Advanced Authentication Device Service before you enroll a card. Some card readers are supported only for Microsoft Windows. Contact your administrator for more information.

To enroll a card click the Card icon.

Then follow the steps below:

  1. You see a message Press button "Save" to begin.

  2. You may enter a comment in Comment field. It should be a text like my white card.

  3. Select the required category from the Category list.

  4. Ensure that your card reader is connected to the machine.

  5. Click Save button. You will see a message Waiting for card...

  6. Tap a card on the reader. For a second you will see a message Card has been detected, then the Card enrollment page will be closed and you will see a message Authenticator "Card" enrolled.

HINT:If you see a message Card Service unavailable ensure that you have the Advanced Authentication Smartcard Service installed.

If you see a message Card reader not detected ensure that you have a card reader properly connected to the machine and the reader is available in Device Manager.Try to reconnect the reader.You may get the message Card reader detected on Mac OS X. It is related to an improper work of a system service pcscd. To fix the issue, run Terminal and run the following commands:

kill pcscd

kill pcscdlite

Then reconnect the reader and re-initiate the enrollment.

To test the authenticator follow the next steps:

  1. Click the Card icon in the Enrolled methods section.

  2. Click Test button. You will see a message Waiting for card...

  3. Tap a card on the reader. For a second you will see a message Card has been detected, then the Card enrollment page will be closed and you will see a message Authenticator "Card" passed the test. If the provided card is invalid you will see a message Wrong smartcard.