5.2 FIDO U2F Plug-in

To check the FIDO U2F Service you may open the following URL: The service should return: { "result":"ok" } when a FIDO U2F token is connected.

Available methods

FIDO U2F Service provides the following POST-methods: - Performs the U2F Authenticate operation.

} - Performs the U2F Register operation.


signRequest can be empty, or contain serial of for the key handle validation


In case of success both methods above returns JSON reply in the U2F specification format:

or an error:

{ "errorCode"=1, "errorMessage"="Error Text"}


errorCode - error code

errorMessage - additional error text

errorCode description:

  1. Device other error. If the token is missing, errorMessage contains "Please connect a U2F token."

  2. Device bad request. The visited URL doesn't match the App ID or not using HTTPS

  3. Configuration unsupported

  4. Token is not registers - for authentication process or token already registered - for register process, to enable this check, specify "signRequests" in the body of the register request ).

  5. Timeout - no answer from token. (if the user didn't press a button within a given timeout)

And the following GET-methods: - Aborts all pending operations