12.3 Configuring Integration with Dell SonicWall SRA EX-Virtual appliance

These instructions will help you to configure integration of Advanced Authentication Appliance Edition with the Dell SonicWall SRA EX-Virtual appliance to refuse non-secure passwords in Dell SonicWall SRA connection.

The advanced authentication in Dell SonicWall is represented on the following diagram.

To get started, ensure that you have:

  • Dell SonicWall SRA EX-Virtual appliance v11.2.0-258

  • Advanced Authentication v5 appliance

Configure the Advanced Authentication RADIUS server:

  1. Open the Advanced Authentication Admin Interface.

  2. Go to the Events section.

  3. Open properties of the Radius Server event.

  4. Set the Radius Server event to the ON mode.

  5. Select one or more chains from the list of Used chains (make sure that they are enabled and set to the users group in the Chains section).

  6. Add a Client, enter an IP address of the Dell SonicWall SRA appliance, specify a secret, confirm it and set the Enabled option.

  7. Click the Save button in the Client string. Click the Save button at the bottom of the Events view to save changes.

Configure the Dell SonicWall SRA appliance:

  1. Sign-in to the Dell SonicWall SRA Management Console as admin.

  2. Browse menu User Access -> Realms.

  3. Create New realm.

  4. Create a New Authentication Server, set the Radius authentication directory.

  5. Set Radius Server and Shared key.

  6. Save and apply configuration.

  7. Browse menu User Access -> Realms. Review realm diagram.

How to authenticate in Dell SonicWall workspace using the Advanced Authentication:

  1. Open browser and go to workplace. Enter your username and ldap password.

  2. Enter SMS OTP and click OK.

  3. You are successfully logged in to the workplace.