1.15 Voice Call

The Voice Call authenticator initiates a phone call to your mobile number. The phone call asks you to enter your PIN. You need to specify the PIN during enrollment.

To enroll a Voice Call authenticator click the Voice icon.

Then follow the steps below:

  1. Ensure that a valid phone number is set in the field The mobile number where a Voicecall is sent:.

  2. You can specify an optional comment in Comment field.

  3. Specify a PIN. By default it must contain at least 3 digits.

  4. Click Save button. You will see a message Authenticator "Voice" added.

HINT:You may get the error Enroll failed: User has no phone number. Please contact administrators/helpdesk and register your phone. In this case contact your system administrator and ask to add your phone number for your account.

To test the authenticator follow the next steps:

  1. Click the Voice icon in the Enrolled methods section.

  2. Click Test button.

  3. Take up the phone and listen to the answerphone.

  4. Enter your PIN and tap hash sign (#).

  5. You will see a message Authenticator "Voice" passed the test. If the provided PIN is invalid you will see a message Wrong PIN.

WARNING:You will not get notification about the PIN expiration. It's required to sign in to the Self-Service Portal and change the PIN each 42 days.