1.11 Smartphone

HINT:To enroll the Smartphone authenticator it's required to use the Advanced Authentication smartphone app Apple iOS app, Google Android app.

To enroll a smartphone authenticator click the Smartphone icon.

Then follow the steps below:

  1. You see a message Press button "Save" to start smartphone enrolling.

  2. You may enter a comment in Comment field. It should be a text like my iPhone.

  3. Click Save button. You will see a QR code.

  4. Move a cursor out of the QR code and open the Advanced Authentication smartphone app.

  5. Tap Offline authentication button in the app.

  6. Tap + button to add a new authenticator in the app.

  7. Use camera of your smartphone to scan the QR code.

  8. You will see a message Authenticator "Smartphone" added.

  9. Enter your username and an optional comment in the smartphone app.

  10. Save the authenticator on your smartphone.

HINT:You may get the error Enroll failed: Enroll timeout if you didn't enroll the authenticator during few minutes. In this case refresh the browser page and initialize enrollment again.

If you are not able to scan the QR code with Advanced Authentication app, try to do the following:

  1. try to scan the zoomed QR code by making a zoom of the page to 125-150%.

  2. ensure that nothing overlaps the QR code (mouse cursor, text).

To test the authenticator follow the next steps:

  1. Click the Smartphone icon in the Enrolled methods section.

  2. Click Test button. You will see a message Waiting for smartphone data...

  3. Open the Advanced Authentication smartphone app. You will get an authentication request message.

  4. Tap Accept button to accept the authentication request. You will see the message Authenticator "Smartphone" passed the test. If you tap the Reject button, the authentication will be declined and you will see the message Auth rejected. If you ignored the authentication request, in a couple of minutes you will get a message Auth confirmation timeout.