1.6 NotarisID

To enroll a NotarisID authenticator, perform the following steps:

  1. Click the NotarisID icon.

  2. Enter a comment in the Comment text box.

  3. Enter your username in the NotarisID > username text box.

  4. Click Save to save the enrollment.

To test the NotarisID authenticator, you need to use the NotarisID smartphone app with your registered account and perform the following steps:

  1. Click the NotarisID icon in the Enrolled methods section.

  2. Click Test. The following message is displayed:

    The user should accept your request with his/her smartphone app

  3. Open the NotarisID smartphone app and enter your PIN code.

  4. Tap the string Inloggen bij: ... and then tap to sign the request. A message Authenticator "NotarisID" passed the test is displayed.

    An authentication request can be rejected only by time out. If you tap to reject the request, the authentication is not rejected because NotarisID does not notify Advanced Authentication appliance about the rejection.