1.13 SMS OTP

The SMS OTP authentication method uses your mobile phone number from your account attribute. The authenticator sends an SMS message to your mobile phone. The message contains One-Time Password (OTP). You can use this OTP to authenticate withing a certain time frame.

This authenticator enrolls automatically and it's not possible to remove it.

To test the enrolled authenticator follow the steps below:

  1. Click the SMS OTP icon in the Enrolled methods section.

  2. Ensure that your mobile phone number (specified after the text The mobile number where an SMS OTP is sent:) is valid. Contact your system administrator to change the mobile number if it's invalid.

  3. Click Test button. In few seconds you will see a message OTP password sent, please enter.

  4. Check your SMS. You should get an SMS message with one-time password.

  5. Enter the OTP to the Password field.

  6. Click Next. You will see a message Authenticator "SMS OTP" passed the test. If the provided authenticator is invalid you will see a message Wrong answer, try again.