2.3 NAM Advanced Authentication Plug-in Configurator Tool

Access Manager Advanced Authentication plug-in contains the Configurator tool which is used by NAM AA plug-in installer to configure the connection to Advanced Authentication Server. It can be also used when it's required to install the NAM AA plug-in manually or to change an existing NAM Advanced Authentication plug-in configuration. In this case it allows to avoid the repeated installation.

Before performing the action you need to switch to the /opt/novell/java/jre/bin/ directory.

The Configuration tool can be used using the following way:

./java -jar /opt/novell/aaaconfigurator/configurator.jar "< NetIQAdvancedAuthenticationServerIPAddress>" <Port> <1forHTTPS|0forHTTP>

For example,

./java -jar /opt/novell/aaaconfigurator/configurator.jar "" 443 1

allows to configure NAM Advanced Authentication plug-in to use the Advanced Authentication server with IP address by HTTPS.