3.2 Email Method Support Configuration

  1. Create a new authentication class with the following parameters:

    1. Display name: Email Class

    2. Java class: Other

    3. Java class path: com.authasas.aucore.nam.method.email.EMailClass

  2. Create a new authentication method for the class:

    1. Display Name: EMail Method

    2. Class: EMail Class

    3. Keep the Overwrite Temporary User and Overwrite Real User check boxes cleared.

    4. Add the used user store to User Stores.

  3. Add applicable Optional Properties (KEY/Value).

  4. Create a new authentication contract for the method in the Configuration tab:

    1. Display name: EMail Contract

    2. URI: emailandldap/uri

    3. Configure Methods. Select one of the following options:

      • Add only EMail Method from the Available Methods list. In this case the Identifies User check box must be selected. EMail Method will provide a request of LDAP Password. After user enters it, an Email message with one-time password will be send and the user will be asked to enter an OTP from the Email message.

      • Add any standard method from the Available Methods list as the first one and EMail Method as the second one. In this case the Identifies User check box should be obligatory cleared for EMail Method.

    4. Keep the Satisfiable by External Provider check box cleared.

  5. Specify applicable values for the new authentication card in the Authentication Card tab:

    1. ID: EMAIL_ID

    2. Text: NetIQ Email Authentication

    3. Image : <Select Local Image>, then select NAM_EMail.png from the icons folder of the NAM plug-in distribution kit.

  6. Update both the IDP and the MAG.

  7. Update NAM Server configuration.

IMPORTANT:If Email contract is configured to use only Email method, it will be required to configure both Password & Email (two-factor) and Email (one-factor) chains in the Chains section (the two-factor chain must be higher than an appropriate one-factor chain) and enable them in the NAM event of the Advanced Authentication Administrative Portal. If Email contract is configured to use combination of a standard method and Email method, it will be required to configure and enable only Email (one-factor) chain.

The following standard methods are supported by NAM plug-in:

  • Name/Password - Form

  • Name/Password - Basic

  • Secure Name/Password - Form

  • Secure Name/Password - Basic