7.2 Integrating with Sentinel Log Manager

The appliance can forward events to Sentinel Log Manager 1.2.x if you want more detailed reports. To integrate the appliance with Sentinel Log Manager:

  1. Configure Sentinel Link in Sentinel Log Manager.

    For more information, see Sentinel Link Overview Guide.

  2. Open TCP port 1290 on the Sentinel Log Manager server.

    1. To change the port, ssh in to the Sentinel Log Manager server as root.

    2. At the command prompt enter yast firewall.

    3. Select Advanced > Allowed Services, then manually add port 1290 to the list of TCP ports.

  3. In the Admin page in the appliance, drag and drop the Sentinel icon to the bar.

  4. Click the Sentinel icon, then click Configure.

  5. Specify the IP address and port of the Sentinel Link server, then click OK and Apply to save the changes.

The appliance appears as another event source in Sentinel Log Manager.