21.3.1 Auditing using UDP

Perform the following steps on Administration Console, Identity Server, and Access Gateway to enable sending audit events to the remote syslog sever by using UDP:

  1. Set the remote syslog server's IP address and port. See Section 21.1, Setting Up Logging Server and Console Events.

    The /etc/rsyslog.d/nam.conf file gets automatically updated with the corresponding configuration.

  2. Edit the /etc/Auditlogging.cfg file and set both SERVERIP and SERVERPORT macros as empty.

    Sample Auditlogging.cfg file:

  3. Configure UDP.

    rsyslog provides various options and macros for the syslog agent (client) to send logs to a remote server by using UDP or TLS over TCP.

    1. To load the required module for rsyslog, edit nam.conf and add the following entry:

      $ModLoad imudp
    2. In nam.conf, add a single @ character before the remote host to send messages over UDP.

      A sample nam.conf:

      $ModLoad imtcp # load TCP listener
      $InputTCPServerRun 1290
      $template ForwardFormat,"<%PRI%>%TIMESTAMP:::date-rfc3164% %HOSTNAME% %syslogtag:1:32%%msg:::sp-if-no-1st-sp%%msg%\n"
      $ModLoad imudp
      local0.* @;ForwardFormat

      Here, audit logs are being forwarded to the remote server and port 1468 using UDP.

    3. Restart the syslog service.

      • SLES 11 SP4: rcrsyslog restart

      • SLES 12 SP4: rcsyslog restart OR systemctl restart rsyslog

      • RHEL 6.9: service rsyslog restart

      • RHEL 7.6: systemctl restart rsyslog.service

  4. Run the following commands to restart services:

    • Administration Console: /etc/init.d/novell-ac restart

    • Access Gateway: /etc/init.d/novell-mag restart

    • Identity Server: /etc/init.d/novell-idp restart