26.1 Health States

The Health page displays the status of the server. The following are possible status:



A green status indicates that the server has not detected any problems.

A green status with a yellow diamond indicates that the server has not detected any problems but the configuration is not’ completely up-to-date because commands are pending.

A green status with a red x indicates that the server has not detected any problems but that the configuration might not be what you want because one or more commands have failed.

A red status with a bar indicates that the server has been stopped.

A white status with disconnected bars indicates that the server is not communicating with Administration Console.

A yellow status indicates that the server might be functioning sub-optimally because of configuration discrepancies.

A yellow status with a question mark indicates that the server has not been configured.

A red status with an x indicates that the server configuration might be incomplete or wrong, that a dependent service in not running or functional, or that the server is having a runtime problem.