32.4.2 Graphs Do Not Display Any Data When You Launch Access Manager Dashboard

When you launch the dashboard, it does not display data on the graphs. Also, the health of devices that are displayed on the graphs for Identity Server, Access Gateway, Access Gateway Clusters, and Identity Server Clusters is unavailable. This happens because the realtime index, where the events are received and stored, does not exist on the Analytics Server.

To resolve this issue and view the realtime data graphs, perform the following steps:

  1. Connect to Analytics Server by using SSH.

  2. Run the following command to verify if the realtime events are getting stored in the realtime index:

    GUI command: Click Access Manager Dashboard > Dev tools GET realtime/_search

  3. (Conditional) If you get the error "IndexMissingException[[realtime] missing]","status":404, run the following command to list all indexes that are present within Analytics Server:

    GUI command: Click Access Manager Dashboard > Dev tools GET _cat/aliases?v