28.5.2 Installing and Enabling Monitoring for Access Manager on Windows

  1. On a Windows server, the Master Agent has to be manually installed and configured.

    Download the latest net-snmp package and install it. For downloading binaries, go to Sourceforge (The supported version is

  2. Register windows service by running the following command:

    C:\usr\bin\snmpd.exe -register -Lf "C:/usr/log/snmpd.log" -c "C:/Program Files/Novell/Tomcat/webapps/roma/WEB-INF/conf/snmp-master-agent.conf"

    If you uninstall net-snmp, it is important to unregister. Use the following command to unregister:

    C:\usr\bin\snmpd.exe -unregister -Lf "C:/usr/log/snmpd.log" -c "C:/Program Files/Novell/Tomcat/webapps/roma/WEB-INF/conf/snmp-master-agent.conf"

  3. In the C:\Program Files\Novell\Tomcat\webapps\roma\WEB-INF\conf\platform.conf file, traverse to the vcdn module.

    In <stringParam name="enable" value="false", replace false with true. This enables monitoring between Access Manager devices.

    The vcdn module also contains port details. If needed, you can configure the Master Agent to listen on a different port or IP address. The default port is TCP 705.

  4. In the snmp-master-agent.conf file, change the community name. The default name is netiq. Changing the community name is recommended for security purpose.

  5. Start the Master Agent by using the net start "Net-SNMP Agent" command.

    NOTE:Ensure that you specify the command within quotes to start the Master Agent.

  6. Restart Administration Console for the changes to take effect.

  7. If you encounter any errors while enabling monitoring, review the logs available in the C:\Program Files\Novell\log\platform.0.log folder.

    If you are on a Windows server, then enabling SNMP monitoring does not update the platform.0.log file.

    To enable SNMP Monitoring and ensure platform.0.log file is updated, perform the following steps:

    1. Stop Tomcat server.

    2. Edit the C:\Program Files\Novell\Tomcat\webapps\roma\WEB-INF\conf\platform.conf file.

    3. Traverse to the end of the platform.conf file and locate the last </vcdnModule> tag.

    4. Add the following content to appear after the last </vcdnModule> tag

      <vcdnModule name="snmp" className="com.volera.vcdn.platform.snmp.SnmpAgentInit"
                      <stringParam name="enable" value="true"/>
                      <stringParam name="masterAgentIp" value=""/>
                      <stringParam name="masterAgentPort" value="705"/>

      Ensure that this content is placed inside the <vcdnApplicationModule> tag.

    5. Start the Tomcat server.

      This ensures that SNMP Monitoring is enabled on a Windows server and the platform.log file is also updated.