17.6 Administration Console Upgrade Fails

If Administration Console upgrade fails and you get the following error message:

Upgrading the Novell Access Manager Configuration Store:     
sed: can't read /tmp/nids_inst_bind_rest.ldif: No such file or directory
sed: can't read /tmp/nids_inst_bind_rest.ldif: No such file or directory

Perform the following steps:

IMPORTANT:Administration Console checks for proper host entry in the FQDN format before upgrading to Access Manager 4.4. The host entry must be the first entry in the /etc/hosts file. For example, amac.blr.novell.com must be the first entry in the /etc/hosts file, where is the IP address of Administration Console. To find FQDN, use command openssl s_client -connect <IP address>:636 | grep CN, where <IP address> is the IP address of Administration Console LDAP server.

  1. Open the upgrade.sh script in the extracted installer.

  2. Comment out the line number 100: #checkVersion

  3. Replace the line 150 with the following:

    upgradeRPM "Tomcat configuration for Admin Console" "novell-nam-adminconsole-tomcat-config*.rpm" "${SCRIPT_DIR}/tomcat" "$ADMIN_INSTALL_LOG" -–force

  4. Save the changes.

  5. Run the upgrade.sh script.