6.1 Upgrading Analytics Server

  1. Log in to Analytics Server as a root user.

  2. Download the upgrade file and extract the tar.gz file by using the following command:

    tar -xzvf <filename>

    NOTE:For the name of the upgrade file, see the specific Release Notes on the Access Manager Documentation website.

  3. Change to the directory where you extracted the file, then enter the following command in a terminal window:

  4. Specify the following details:

    • Enter the Access Manager Administration Console administrator’s ID. By default, it is admin.

    • Enter the Access Manager Administration Console administrator’s password.

    • Re-enter the Access Manager Administration Console administrator’s password.

    • Enter the Analytics Server administrator’s password. You use this password for logging in to Analytics Server and the Reporting console.

    • Re-enter the Analytics Server administrator’s password.

The upgrade completes with the following options. Choose one of the following options:

  • Delete the existing aggregated data from elasticsearch.

  • Migrate the existing aggregated data to a new data schema.(This may take longer time)

By default, the data is migrated. The migration of data may take longer time. If it fails, you must run the upgrade script again. Even when the data from the elasticsearch is deleted, the audit data is not deleted from the server.

The upgrade logs are saved in the /tmp/novell_access_manager/ directory. The logs include time stamping.

NOTE:After upgrading Analytics Server, you must clear the browser cache before accessing Analytics dashboard.