4.2 Managing SAML 2.0 Applications

On each connector you import and configure, there is a menu on the upper right corner that allows to you to delete the connector. Clicking the plus sign (+) at the top of the page allows you to import and configure a new connector.

You can fill out part of the configuration information on a SAML 2.0 connector and save the configuration to finish configuring the SAML 2.0 connector at a later time. Any SAML 2.0 connectors that are in progress appear at the top of the list of connectors on the left side of the Applications page under the heading of Application needs more information.

Any section on the SAML 2.0 connector that still requires information, appears with a red warning symbol to let you know you must add more information to make the connector function. Until the configuration is complete, Access Manager Appliance does not create the appmark for the connector.