23.2 Features of Monitoring in Access Manager

In Access Manager 4.0, monitoring using SNMP includes the following features:

  • Ability to enable/disable monitoring - By default SNMP is not enabled. You can configure it to enable monitoring for Access Manager components. For details about enabling monitoring, see Installing and Enabling Monitoring for Access Manager Components

  • Facility to change port information or IP address of the Master Agent- You can configure the Master Agent to listen on a different port or IP address. The default port is TCP 705.

  • Master Agent and Sub Agent architecture support multiple sub agents - The Master Agent - Sub Agent architecture helps you configure additional Sub Agents to be monitored. For example, you can configure a single Master Agent to receive data from Access Manager components, eDirectory as well as SLES Sub-Agents.

  • Automatic data synchronization on device addition or removal - The MIB structure is automatically adjusted for dynamic addition or removal of components

  • Automatic reconnect to Master Agent - Every time the Administration Console is restarted the reconnection to the MasterAgent happens automatically. No manual steps are required.