5.0 Updating Identity Manager Containers on Microsoft Azure

This section provides information on updating the Identity Manager containers to this patch on Azure.

IMPORTANT:You must have a machine with docker installed and running, Azure-CLI installed to perform the following steps.

  1. Download the Identity_Manager_4.8.5_P1_Containers.tar.gz file.

  2. Run the following command to extract the .tar.gz file:

    tar -zxvf Identity_Manager_4.8.5_P1_Containers.tar.gz
  3. Upload images to Azure Container Registry using the following command:

    Run ACRUpdate.sh
  4. Upgrade Engine Container.

    1. To connect to Engine virtual machine through Bastion service, perform the following steps:

      1. Create Bastion service.

        1. Go to the Azure portal, and click All Resources.

        2. Select the Identity Engine associated with your Resource Group.

        3. Click Connect.

        4. Click Bastion.

        5. Once the subnet is created, click Create Azure Bastion using default values.

      2. Access Engine virtual machine password.

        1. Open Key vault in your resource group.

        2. Go to Secrets > Settings.

        3. Click slesvmpwd.

        4. Click on the current version.

        5. Copy the secret value.

      3. Connect to bastion.

        1. Select Engine virtual machine in your Resource Group.

        2. Select operations > bastion.

        3. After creating the bastion, enter "azureuser" as username

        4. Paste the copied password and click Connect.

      4. Run bash as superuser using the following command:

        sudo bash

    2. Connect to Azure Container Registry using the following command:

      docker login <ACR_url> -u <ACR_user> -p <ACR_password>
    3. Pull Engine images from Azure Container Registry using the following command:

      docker pull <ACR_url>/identityengine:idm-
    4. Stop Engine Container using the following command:

      docker stop engine-container
    5. Remove Engine Container and image using the following commands:

      docker rm engine-container
      docker rmi <ACR_url>/identityengine:idm-4.8.5
    6. Start Engine Container using the following command:

      docker run -d --network=host --name=engine-container --hostname=<VM_hostname> --restart=unless-stopped -v /data:/config -e SILENT_INSTALL_FILE=/config/silent.properties <ACR_url>/identityengine:idm-
    7. Delete Bastion and the associated IP.

  5. Upgrade components in Kubernetes.

    1. Upload Helm Charts to Azure portal.

    2. Run the Helm Chart using the following command:

       helm upgrade identity-manager helmcharts/identity-manager-1.0.1.tgz --namespace <Kubernetes namespace> --values values.yaml