21.5 Scaling Identity Manager Engine Replicas

The Procedure for Scaling Identity Manager Engine replicas is divided into two parts:

21.5.1 Use case for Downscaling Identity Manager Engine Replicas

This topic describes a basic use case that you can refer for downscaling Identity Manager Engine replicas.

Before You Start

  • Understand the process carefully before downscaling the Identity Manager engine replicas.

  • You can scale down one pod at a time.

Use case

Assume that we have 3 instances of Identity Manager engine, and their pod names are:

  • identityengine-0

  • identityengine-1

  • identityengine-2

When you downscale to two Identity Manager engine instances, identityengine-2 will go down.

The following actions are required on identityengine-2 before downscaling:

  1. Migrate/recreate drivers running on instance identityengine-2 to another instance.

  2. Delete the server from the tree.

  3. Run the following command to List Persistent Volume Claims (PVC):

    kubectl get pvc -n <namespace>

    For example:

    kubectl get pvc -n idm

  4. Run the following command to delete PVC of identityengine-2:

    kubectl delete pvc -n <namespace> <identityengine replica name>

    For example:

    kubectl delete pvc -n idm identityenginedata-identityengine-2

  5. Set the engine replica count to 2 in the values.yaml file.

  6. Scale down using the following command:

    helm upgrade identity-manager helm_charts/identity-manager-1.1.0.tgz --namespace <namespace> -f values.yaml

21.5.2 Upscaling of Identity Manager Engine Replicas

Perform the following steps to upscale Identity Manager Engine replicas:

  1. Log in to the Azure portal.

  2. Click .

  3. Increase Identity Manager Engine replica count in the values.yaml file.

  4. Scale up using the following command:

    helm upgrade identity-manager helm_charts/identity-manager-1.1.0.tgz --namespace <namespace> -f values.yaml