Error: '[C004427A] The Assistant Admin does not have enough powers to run the UserSetInfo operation. (NETIQKB24710)

  • 7724710
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 19-Jun-2007


Directory and Resource Administrator 6.60

Error: '[C004427A] The Assistant Admin does not have enough powers to run the UserSetInfo operation.' When modifying a User Account's Dial-in Properties Using the Web Console


An Assistant Admin assigned the power Dialin Properties - Modify a User Account receives the following error message when attempting to modify a user account's Dial-in properties using the Directory and Resource Administrator Web Console:

  • [C004427A] The Assistant Admin does not have enough powers to run the 'UserSetInfo' operation.

The error does not occur if the Assistant Admin uses the MMC interface to perform this operation.

If the Assistant Admin is granted the Built-In User or the Built-In Admin role, the error does not occur and the properties can be updated with the Web Console.


When the Web Console processes a request to modify the Dial-in properties, it requests all of properties without specifying the VisibleProperties key. This causes the operation to fail because the DRA server views the request as a query for all user account properties, even though the Assistant Admin has not been granted enough power to modify them all.  This does not occur in the MMC interface because UserGetInfo is not used to retrieve the properties.  The MMC requests the properties specifically or it passes the VisibleProperties key to the UserGetInfo operation.


Hotfix 26323 corrects this situation, causing the the DRA Web Console to request only the needed Active Directory properties.

To install this hotfix, run the DRA66000_Hotfix26323a.exe file on the Administration server.

This hotfix modifies the following files on the Web component computer:

  • AccountManagement/Computers/ComputerCreate/TaskMain.asp
  • AccountManagement/Computers/ComputerCreate/TaskMessages.asp
  • AccountManagement/Groups/GroupCreate/TaskMain.asp
  • AccountManagement/Groups/GroupUpdate/GeneralTabMain.asp
  • AccountManagement/Groups/GroupUpdate/GeneralTabMessages.asp
  • AccountManagement/Users/UserClone/Properties.asp
  • AccountManagement/Users/UserCreate/TaskMain.asp
  • AccountManagement/Users/UserResetPassword/Properties.asp
  • AccountManagement/Users/UserUpdate/DialInTabMain.asp
  • AccountManagement/Users/UserUpdate/ProfileTabMain.asp
  • AccountManagement/Users/UserUpdate/StatsTabMain.asp
  • AccountManagement/Users/UserUpdate/StatsTabMessages.asp
  • AccountManagement/Users/UserUpdateNT4/DialInTabMain.asp
  • AccountManagement/Users/UserUpdateNT4/ProfileTabMain.asp
  • AccountManagement/Users/UserUpdateNT4/StatsTabMain.asp
  • AccountManagement/Users/UserUpdateNT4/StatsTabMessages.asp
  • AccountManagement/Users/UserVitalStats/Properties.asp
  • AccountManagement/Users/UserVitalStats/TaskMessages.asp
  • AccountManagement/Users/UserVitalStatsNT4/Properties.asp
  • AccountManagement/Users/UserVitalStatsNT4/TaskMessages.asp
  • Common/Scripts/LocalizeDate.asp
  • Common/Scripts/SearchForms/UserGroupBrowse/TaskMain.asp
  • Common/Scripts/SearchForms/UserGroupBrowse/TaskMessages.asp

By default, these files are located in the C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\DRAWeb\WebConsole\BuiltIn folder of servers with the DRA Web Component installed.


Hotfix 26323 also corrects other issues that are listed in the following Knowledge Base article:

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB24710