How does Directory and Resource Administrator determine the domain controller to which Active Direct (NETIQKB1437)

  • 7701437
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 22-Jun-2007


How does Directory and Resource Administrator determine the domain controller to which Active Directory changes will be written?

Directory and Resource Administrator 6.30

Directory and Resource Administrator 6.30 SP1

Directory and Resource Administrator 6.30.01

Directory and Resource Administrator 6.40

Directory and Resource Administrator 6.50


Directory and Resource Administrator (DRA) uses the Microsoft API call DsGetDCName to determine the domain controller closest to the DRA server when managing a Windows 2000 domain.

This API call contains a built-in flag to connect to the domain controller within the same site. Once DRA determines the closest domain controller, all changes are then written to this machine. The closest domain controller is determined anew each time an Domain Cache Refresh is performed. When managing a Windows NT 4 domain, DRA writes all account changes to the Primary Domain Controller.

For more information on the MS API call DsGetDcName, please refer to the following Microsoft TechNet article:

·         Q247811: How Domain Controllers Are Located in Windows 2000

For more information on how to configure Directory and Resource Administrator to connect to a particular domain controller, please refer to the following NetIQ Knowledge Base article:

  • NETIQKB1885 : How do I configure the Directory and Resource Administrator server to write all changes to a specific domain controller?

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB1437