6.1 Reporting Errors to Identity Manager

The driver reports errors occurring in both the driver and the Google domain. All errors reported by the driver follow the Identity Manager driver error reporting scheme of Status Level and Status Type.

Status Level



The operation succeeded.


The operation succeeded with a warning.


The operation failed because of an error not related to invalid data or a memory or execution error. These are transient errors. For instance, the Google driver issues a Retry when Google reports a Server Busy error.


The operation failed because of an error in XML formatting or a data error.


The operation failed as a result of an unrecoverable condition, such as an OutOfMemoryException.

The Status Type provides a way for a driver to indicate the category of the error. For instance, the driver can use Status Type to indicate if a Retry has been issued as a result of an application connectivity error. When handling an exception or an error as a result of a transient condition, the driver disconnects from the Google domain and then sends a retry request to the Identity Manager engine. The default retry interval is 30 seconds. When 30 seconds has elapsed, the Identity Manager engine sends the event to the driver again. The driver detects that it is no longer connected to the Google domain and establishes a new connection.

The driver reports invalid XML conditions such as invalid class names, attribute names, or values with an Error status level.

All other errors are reported with a Java exception or a Google API exception along with the Status Level and Status Type.